Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
To maintain continuous prayer in the presence of the Eucharist in belief that Christ will rekindle and renew our love for him as we adore him, thank him and present our needs and petitions in prayer.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Anyone who would like to spend quiet time in the presence of our Lord, reading, praying, or meditating is welcome
Time Required
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is on Tuesday evenings 7:00 - 8:00 PM, Wednesdays 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM, and every First Friday of the month 7:00-8:00 PM Parishioners are invited to sign up for a one-hour time slot for the Wednesday hours. At least two people are asked to be present for each hour of Adoration.

Rose Musico

Altar Linen Care
Linen Care Ministers serve Christ through ensuring that the linens used in the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments are properly cared for.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Those who wish to commit to the ministry must have the ability to pick up used linens on Sunday or Monday, wash and iron them, and then return them by Tuesday each week during their assigned month. Instructions for linen care are written.
Personal instructions are available with the ministry contact person if needed.
Time Required
Each Linen Care Minister is assigned one month a year. In special cases a minister may be asked to care for the linens for two months in the year.

Susan Farmer

Altar Servers
As altar servers, we assist the celebrant and worshiping community in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Mass, and special Liturgies.
“Serving at the altar, is a privileged way to draw closer to Jesus, which in turn enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them." -Pope Francis
Qualifications and Skills Needed
There are three qualifications to become an altar server: You must be a registered member of The Immaculata, you must have received your first Holy Communion and you must have a strong desire to be an altar server. There are 5 levels of Altar Servers; Novice, Steward, Sr. Steward, Server, & Sr. Server. An annual meeting is held in July. Altar
server training provided by the Sacristan and Altar Server Leaders.
Time Required
Altar servers should commit to serving at least once per month and must arrive 20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.

Don McAndrew
(858) 395-5768

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are dedicated to serving Christ through bringing “food for the journey” to our
community at Mass, to the sick and homebound. In turn, they are blessed through the revelation of Christ’s presence in each person with whom we share the Eucharist.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
There is a one-day Diocesan training session offered twice a year as well as an in-parish training session to familiarize new Eucharistic Ministers to the liturgical procedures in our parish. Eucharistic Ministers must be a confirmed Catholic, at least
sixteen years old and living in harmony with the Church’s teachings.
Time Required
Eucharistic Ministers are assigned two or three times a month. Holy Days and Seasonal Masses are by sign up.

Chris Gomez

Kids Pew Crew
The Mission of the Pew Crew is to provide an opportunity for children and their parents to serve their parish by cleaning and straightening the pew area of the church after Mass. Pew Crew members assist the ushers to reorganize song books and
envelopes and to pick up any discarded items that have been left in the pews.
This ministry is for children and their parents who want to serve their parish.
Time Required
15 minutes after Mass based on your availability. Kids who want to help just need to see an usher after Mass. Parents must stay with their children.

Chris Churchill

This ministry is an invitation to a deep and honest reflection of our individual journey with Jesus Christ. Lectors are called to bring all that they are into the presence of God and to appreciate the effect of the Word of God on themselves and to those to whom they proclaim this living text.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Experience as a public speaker is not a requirement; all are welcome to experience the fulfillment and growth that comes from participation in this ministry.

Meredith Alcock

Liturgical Environment
Contribute to the church's visual enhancement during liturgical celebrations. It was created to conceptualize an inviting and fitting environment of worship during the different liturgical seasons and annual celebrations. The ministry strives to provide an ambiance of tranquility and beauty to help us focus on the liturgy and prayer through Altar and other ornaments, flowers, plants, etc., throughout the "Liturgical Year."
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Time Required

Mindy McGreevy

Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry provides music for Liturgies and brings together parishioners who share a passion for music. All adults and high school age members are welcome to join the choirs of The Immaculata.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Anyone who loves to sing and can carry a tune.
Ability to read music is helpful, but not required.
Time Required
The Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass Choir rehearses at 3:45 p.m. on Saturday prior to the Mass in
Madonna Hall. The 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Mass Choirs rehearse together at 7:00 p.m. on
Thursdays in the church.

Lupe Rios

To be an outward sign of the hospitality of Christ by welcoming parishioners, assisting parishioners in need and being good stewards of the community’s offerings.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
Usher-Greeters should be pleasant, welcoming and trustworthy. While being attentive to the Mass, they must be aware of the parishioners and quick to help with any needs that arise. On the job training is offered in addition to a group meeting held once a year.
Time Required
Depending on the number of committed Usher-Greeters, they are assigned 2-4 times per month at their preferred Mass. It is imperative they arrive 20 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.

Chris Churchill

Youth Music Ministry
To enhance the Liturgy through young vocalists and musicians; to engage our youth in a meaningful and integral way in the liturgy and parish
community; to nurture and inspire our youth to a lifelong love of music and ministry by building their musical skills and confidence. We are a community choir because young adults and up help mentor our youth as they grow and learn to become a choir.
Qualifications & Skills Needed:
For singers 2nd grade and up, no experience
needed; for instrumentalists, at least 3 years of study on your instrument.
Time Required
Rehearsals twice per month; sing/play at Christmas Eve Family Mass, Easter Sunday, May Crowning, and possibly more (TBD); breaks are in January and summer.

Lupe Rios

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Leaders are dedicated Catholic adults who present the Liturgy of the Word to children grades K-3, at their level.
Qualifications & Skills Needed
CLOW leaders should be experienced working with children, have some knowledge of church doctrine, liturgy and the Bible. Background checks are
Time Required
CLOW leaders are scheduled approximately once per month. Preparation time is about 1 hour.
Leaders should be at the church 20 minutes prior to Mass when they are scheduled. Leaders are also required to attend an annual Liturgical Minister’s Day and Catechist Retreat.

(619) 574-5702
Bea Halk