Formación en la fe
Join us monthly as we grow together in faith and are inspired to bring our Catholic faith into the world in transformative and life-giving ways. We will explore the monthly themes below through engaging speakers, expert panels, testimonials, discussions, experiences and much, much more. All sessions will be from 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Locations and exact details will be shared monthly through flocknote, announcements and social media. Childcare will be available in Madonna Hall during the sessions.
September 15,2024
Praying as Jesus Taught Us
Generations of Christians have prayed the words of Jesus to the Father. For each of us, the meaning of the words reflects our own experiences, and we might even reshape the prayer for our personal use. St. Francis of Assisi left us his comments on the words of the Our Father, giving us insight into his prayer and spirituality. We will look to St. Francis for guidance in our own prayer life, through his example of prayer and especially through his commentary on the Our Father.
October 20, 2024
Dignity of the Human Person: Forming Your Conscience with the Church
Making moral decisions can be confusing these days! Join us as we learn how to turn to the church for guidance, especially concerning the need to respect human dignity. Topics covered will include freedom, poverty, surrogacy, homelessness, immigration, abortion, gender, IVF. Sensitive topics will be covered with care and compassion.
November 17, 2024
Christian Differences & Unity
Come learn about the Church's teaching regarding dialogue, unity and respect between the different Christian churches. We will explore the common beliefs we hold and some of our differences. We will reflect on how we can live the call for unity in our homes, schools, work and local community in practical and concrete ways.
January 19, 2025
Eucharist: More than a Symbol
Come deepen your understanding and appreciation for the great gift of the Eucharist through Scripture and early Church writings. We will take a deep dive into the Bread of the Life discourse where Jesus explains that whoever eats this bread will live forever.
February 16, 2025
Spirituality of Pilgrimage
What is a pilgrimage and how can I make it a part of my spirituality? Come learn about the relationship between pilgrimages and conversion and the many ways you can participate in a pilgrimage- even from your own living room.
March 2, 2025 (Annual Lenten Mini Retreat)
Living like Jesus: Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace
What does the Bible really say about forgiveness and how can we live these teachings out in our daily lives? Explore barriers to forgiveness, its relationship with reconciliation and when/ and if reconciliation is advisable. There will be opportunities to prayerfully encounter Jesus and his way of forgiveness, mercy and grace in the Scriptures.
March 18, 2025
Vocation: Where Your Deepest Joy Meets the World's Greatest Need
Where is God calling me? How is God asking me to love and serve? Come hear from a panel of married, religious, ordained and single people about the beauty of discerning and living your call from God.
For more information about this series, contact Laura at
Speaker series ends after the May 19th talk and will resume in the Fall of 2024.
Formación de fe para adultos
Para ayudar a la formación de fe de adultos
Coordinador en el desarrollo y facilitación de oportunidades de formación en la fe para adultos para la parroquia.
Calificaciones y habilidades necesarias
Un miembro del Equipo de Formación de Fe de Adultos es alguien que está alegre en su amor por Cristo, orante, flexible y fiel a este ministerio de la iglesia y le gustarÃa participar en varios aspectos de la Formación de Fe de Adultos. Algunos de estos incluyen Confirmación de Adultos, Mini-Retiros, Catequesis en curso y Eventos de la Comunidad Parroquial. Necesitamos voluntarios que proporcionen un
ambiente acogedor, colabore con un equipo parroquial y busque oportunidades de capacitación y enriquecimiento espiritual.
Tiempo requerido
El tiempo requerido varÃa y depende del nivel de participación.
Laura Martin-Spencer
(619) 574 - 5703
lmartinspencer @
Club del libro
El Club de Lectura de Immaculata disfruta leyendo libros que enriquecen nuestro conocimiento de la fe e inspiran nuestro corazón.
Leemos una variedad de libros, desde clásicos hasta publicados recientemente, mientras decidimos en grupo el ritmo a seguir con cada libro. Los feligreses mayores de 18 años son bienvenidos.
Calificaciones y habilidades necesarias
Personas dispuestas a leer, compartir y escuchar las muchas percepciones que los libros pueden haber provocado en nuestros corazones y mentes.
Tiempo requerido
Los clubes de lectura se reúnen el primer y tercer jueves del mes a las 6:30 pm en la sala de conferencias de Immaculata. Le invitamos a participar de un libro a la vez o según lo permita su horario.
Bruce y Lynne Howard
(858) 245 - 5198
Bible Study
Laura Martin-Spencer
(619) 574 - 5703